Friday, December 31, 2010

Thank you for your support in 2010!

As the year comes to a close, I want to take a moment to thank you all for all your support and love in 2010. I hope to have your continued support in the coming year! I've been hard at work on a new album and I'm really excited about it and about you all getting to hear it. I should have a first single off the album in January and the album itself should be out in early 2011.

It's been a long time between albums. TOO LONG. It's been a long journey of personal problems, distractions and tragedy but I am finally ready to get back to doing what I love. My new album is titled "El Camino Espiritual" (the Spiritual Walk) and is almost like a diary of the past few years in my life. I hope you will share in my journey through my new music. Thank you to all of you who have shown me your support in the past few years, especially through the time when my mother passed. Your support meant the world to me and really helped inspire me. I can't wait for you all to hear my album and I so look forward to getting out there and performing for you all in 2011! I can't wait to meet you all. Lots of appreciation and love for you all!!

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