Friday, January 21, 2011

American Idol auditions hit New Orleans!

Yesterday the auditions hit New Orleans and the talent was hot! The more I see of Randy, Steven and Jennifer - the more I like this cast of judges! I really see them seeing these hopefuls as they once saw themselves and the show seems to have a lot more heart to it. Steven and Jennifer are bringing out the best in Randy as well. Can't say I miss Simon one bit. Nope, not one bit. IMO, this is how you talk to and relate to hopefuls putting themselves out there and laying their hearts and dreams on the line.

Ok, enough about the judges. Let's move on to what this show is all about. The singers that will compete to be our newest American Idol. I really liked a lot of the singers from the NJ auditions but I wonder how they will do in Hollywood. I must say that I felt that the New Orleans group (37 made it to Hollywood!) seem more focused, mature and ready for Hollywood week and beyond. I have some real favorites from this group.

First up was Jordan Dorsey - a piano teacher who carries himself with maturity and confidence. He had a real good voice and as of right now I would place him in the Top 12.

Sarah Sellers - had an interesting look with the glasses and a real nice voice.

I found Jovany Barreto to be overconfident in his looks and ability. He has a good powerful voice but something about him put me off to him. I did like his Luis Miguel rendition. I give him credit though for taking his moment in front of JLo to tell her how big an admirer he is of her.

I liked Jacqueline Dupree's look and personality and wow, what a voice! She is a definite contender.

Brett Loewenstern was a nice surprise. We got a background story on him and how he was bullied and picked on when he was younger and how he eventually accepted himself. It was a wonderful message of anti-bullying and of self-acceptance that I feel is important in today's world. By the time he got to the audition, I was rooting for him to be able to sing well and I was not disappointed. He got his golden ticket to Hollywood and I'll be rooting for him all the way. He seems like a gentle soul that could do a lot of good for his fans through his music. Go Brett!

15 year old Jacee Badeaux had a voice that reminded me of Justin Beiber and he seems like a real nice kid. He sure represented well for the young singers! Hopefully he can do well during Hollywood week and not get eaten up by it.

The final audition got me real good. I totally felt Paris Tassin's story and love for her child. I also felt her desire to do better for herself to help her child. I was soooooo rooting for her to be able to sing well and not only can she sing well but she took on Carrie Underwood's emotional song "Temporary Home". She totally sold me on her and I will be a fan of hers with whatever she does after AI. I feel that a lot of us will be following her post-Idol music career as well, as right now I have her as a Top 3 contender and my favorite contestant so far.

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