Thursday, January 14, 2010

American Idol Auditions - Georgia

After the first episode, I was looking forward to the 2nd episode from GA.

Night 2 of the auditions was definitely interesting and entertaining. Mary J. Blige was a good guest judge although she laughed a bit too much at some of the contestants and didn't get a few others. Still, not bad for a guest judge.

Here are my thoughts on some of the contestants from GA:

Keia Johnson had a very good personality and voice, was happy to see her going to Hollywood.

We got 3 glimpses of good contestants that made it to Hollywood. Wish we would've seen more of them.

I really liked Jermaine Sellers, he was the best we've seen so far. Seemed like a real nice guy too!

I really liked country girl Vanessa Wolfe - she was real and sweet but like Simon, I wonder if she's ready to leave the small town for the fast pace of Hollywood week?

Guitar girl Holly Harden reminded me of Kellie Pickler and I didn't think she would be good but she had a real good voice and didn't need the gimmick at all.

Mallory Haley had a real good voice and look and would make a great country singer.

Then there was Skiiboski. What a personality! He was another one that actually had a good voice and didn't need all that gimmicky stuff but he definitely was memorable for it!

When I saw the best friends Lauren Sanders and Carmen Turner, I just knew one would make it and one wouldn't. Isn't it always that way? I felt bad for Lauren and I hope that their friendship doesn't suffer from any jealousies because of it. Lauren seemed supportive so hopefully that's a good sign.

Cop Bryan Walker had a real good soulful voice but I don't know if his image will wind up holding him back with viewers. Wish it wouldn't be that way but that's the way it is sometimes when its more about image than talent.

Then came Lamar Royal - they showed him pre-audition complimenting Mary J. Blige and saying it was an honor to sing for her, called her a real Idol and also said that he would take any critique constructively. Then he went in and did the exact opposite. When he saw that his audition didn't go over well he began lashing out at the judges even though they were trying to give him good advice and were telling him that he had a good voice but went about the audition all wrong. Instead of listening and learning, he kept talking back to the point that Randy just kept telling him that he really had a listening problem. When he went outside, he berated all the judges and really went off on Mary J. Blige who had been raving about only moments before. Bad attitude will never get you anywhere.

General Larry Platt ended the show with what I agree with Simon could and should be a hit song with his Pants on the Floor song. Great stuff and I'm glad they stopped him before he hurt himself! LOL! 62 year olds aren't used to busting out those kind of moves! LOL!

Next week is Chi-town, should be good!

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