Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New season of American Idol! :)

A new season of American Idol! Always a big family time event in our home to sit and watch and vote!

I predict that this season's final 12 are going to be the most talented ever and that the winner will be one of the most successful Idol winners ever.

Good first show! It was more substance than fluff, we got to see a lot more of the better singers than the trainwrecks. Of course there were trainwrecks to be sure! LOL!

I like that they are planning on focusing more on the contestants and their individual stories this season, as it should be.

I liked Victoria Beckham as a guest judge. She was fair and sympathized with the contestants. I also have really grown to like Kara, she tells it like it is and has no problem putting an unruly or disrespectful wannabe in their place. More on that in a bit.

Made some notes on the contestants:
Boston really brought it! Lots of NY contestants made it which is great since auditions in NY have been pretty bare in bearing talent in the past. Good to see that a lot of the NYers that made the drive really showed their drive and talent.

I really liked 16 year old Maddie Curtis - very sweet girl with a good voice.
I liked Amadeo Diricco's friendliness and getting to know him but I just wasn't feeling his voice. I felt that the song he chose to audition with didn't show off his voice all that well.
We got just a brief glimpse of Luke Shaffer who seemed to have a real nice voice. Also got a brief glimpse of Benjamin Bright, although I thought his voice was just ok.
Then came Andrew Fenlon... first he was brewing all day about having to wait and then when he got his opportunity, he wasn't sure if he wanted to go in! Then he gets in there and right off the bat gives off this arrogant, sarcastic attitude that overwhlemed anything he was going to do vocally. He acted innocent to his antics but I wasn't buying it and neither was Kara who really let him have it. Good for her! I hate that they give people like him airtime but its good to show that there should be a certain etiquette and respect shown to the judges.
After the drama that was Fenlon, it was great to see and hear Ashley Rodriguez! Really liked her voice!
I found Tyler Grady's voice ok but I liked his 70s style look.
I really liked Katie Stevens! Very nice girl who loves her grandma! That struck a nerve with me for obvious reasons. She also had a very good voice to top it off! I hope she goes far.
I really liked nice guy Joshua Blaylock. Nothing wrong with being a nice guy! ;)
I liked Justin Williams story more than his voice but I think his story and looks are what got him to Hollywood. I expect to see him pushed.
I really liked Bosa Mora, he had a nice story and looks like a real good kid. I really liked his voice too!
Last but certainly not least was Leah Laurenti. I always find it sad to hear when a singer is not allowed to sing by their family. Its like telling a bird to not sing, its just not right and very sad. She's so good but had no confidence in her talent because of all the years she was held back. I'm glad that she finally has spread her wings and let her song sing, she has a wonderful voice and I'm so rooting for her! I hope she goes far.

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